About us

Welcome to Wallride

Our vision is to create an inspiring and developing place where everyone, regardless of age and skills, can experience the joy of action sports.

Movement is something we are passionate about in all its forms and we want to convey the passion and community we ourselves have experienced in action sports.

We wish to create a place where children and adults have the opportunity to train together, and we offer a hall that is suitable for both beginners and experienced practitioners.

We strongly believe that action sports are for everyone, that's why we always dedicate our first two hours every day to Born To Run , during these hours we have no age limit and welcome the little ones who are curious about ramps and want to test e.g. balance bike on new tracks in the company of an actively present adult.

We offer a complete arena for those who want to practice skateboarding, kick-bike, inline, bmx, trampolines, gymnastics, dancing and climbing. With us you will find a pro-shop where our knowledgeable staff is there to do their utmost to help you find the right equipment for your specific needs. We are very proud to have suppliers such as The Heart Supply, Ethic, Lucky & Root and others who are heavy quality names in the industry.

Welcome to us at Wallride and experience the joy of action sports!