Trampoline Scooter – Practice Tricks At Home | Indo Scooters at Wallride Växjö
Trampoline Scooter – Perfect for developing your tricks on the scooter
Looking for a way to improve your scooter tricks without risking hard hits? Then the Indo Trampoline Scooter is the ultimate training tool. The trampoline scooter, from the Finnish brand Indo , is designed to be used both indoors on the floor and outdoors on your trampoline. It enables you to safely and effectively practice various tricks such as tail whips and bar spins without injuring yourself or wearing out your regular scooter.
Safer training with a soft deck
One of the biggest advantages of a trampoline scooter is the soft foam rubber deck , which means that you avoid injuries to your legs in case of unsuccessful landings. This allows you to practice your tricks over and over, without the risk of injury, which in turn helps you become a better skater faster. It's also the perfect tool to keep in shape even when you don't have the opportunity to ride outdoors.
Available in several models
The trampoline scooter is available in different models that suit both beginners and more advanced riders. At Wallride in Växjö, you can test different models to find the one that best suits your needs. We also offer professional advice and help you choose the right equipment so that you can reach your full potential on the scooter.
Learn tricks faster
Mastering tricks such as tail whips, bar spins and finger whips becomes both easier and more fun with a trampoline scooter. By practicing regularly at home or on your trampoline, you can quickly improve your technique and transfer your skills to a real scooter when you're ready.